‘You say tomato and I say tomahtoe’. We are all different, thank goodness, and that brings a unique blend to every organisation. To get the best out of ourselves and our organisations the MBTI assessment can navigate through that diversity and bring understanding to achieve great personal and organisational benefits. It is no accident, therefore, that 79% of the FTSE 100 and 70% of the Fortune 500 utilise the MBTI. Myers-Briggs theory was developed by the mother-daughter partnership of Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. They based their work on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types.
Build an organisation’s entire development journey around the world’s leading personality tool
The Myers-Briggs ® (MBTI ®) Step I instrument is a simple yet highly versatile tool that helps businesses address a wider range of issues than any other instrument. With an unparalleled pedigree, it has helped millions of people around the world to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and how they interact with others, hitting at the heart of who they are and inspiring them to significantly increase their effectiveness. The MBTI tool delivers reliable personality insights, helping to drive tangible improvements to working relationships and productivity for individuals, teams and whole organisations.
By embedding MBTI Step I into your organisation, you will lay a positive foundation of type knowledge that can be applied repeatedly to multiple business issues over time, giving the tool a unique longevity unrivalled by other instruments, and providing excellent value. Equally, the tool can be used to zoom in on a specific business need, producing focused improvements.
Starting with a basic understanding of simple personality differences, the Myers-Briggs assessment provides a common language to easily explain the complexities of different personalities.
Achieving your performance goals doesn’t have to be complicated. The range of easy-to-use, insightful reports that can be generated from MBTI Step I allows individuals to perfect their skills, and organisations to get the very best out of their talent.
- Cover any development need with a single tool that you can keep coming back to as new questions arise
- Save time and money by gaining maximum benefit from a single questionnaire, building up knowledge and experience cumulatively
- Deliver quality-assured results that address a wider range of business issues than any other personality assessment
- Access the deep personality insights needed to get to the root of difficult development challenges, understanding the whole person
- Create a more productive working culture with a simple, accessible framework for identifying personality differences and similarities
Key features
- Uniquely combines deep personality insight with broad coverage of business issues.
- Sorts people into one of 16 easy-to-remember types, providing a common language that acknowledges that all types have value.
- Carries outstanding credentials, backed by over 6,000 independent research papers, for results you can trust.
- Provides powerful problem-solving with comprehensive application reports that let you get straight to the heart of a single issue, or work through a broad spectrum of applications.
A powerful set of reports
The MBTI tool comes with a range of powerful reports, ranging from a basic summary of preferences to an in-depth exploration of a particular area.
Interpretive Report for Organisations
Acts as the basis for the first feedback session, by giving MBTI scores along with in-depth analysis of strengths at work and areas for improvement
Personal Impact Report
Supports a comprehensive development experience with a single report, by applying MBTI type knowledge to eight key development areas: work style, communication, teams, decision-making, leadership, conflict, stress and change
Team Report
Goes beyond group feedback, revealing the way a team thinks and works and how to raise its game, with ready-made action steps
Communication Style Report
Eliminates obstacles to business objectives by showing people how they communicate and how they can adapt this approach for others, with clear strategies for success
Decision-Making Style Report
Enables individuals to make better-quality business decisions by recognising how personality affects decision-making, with practical tips for improvement
Conflict Style Report
Prevents damaging and wasteful conflict and improves business effectiveness by highlighting how to recognise and adapt to conflict situations
Stress Management Report
Improves effectiveness and reduces the risk of burnout by recognising the early signs and likely triggers of stress, and providing techniques to prevent it
Career Report
Provides a solid basis for productive career counselling by showing how personality influences career choices and subsequent career
- Team development
- Leadership development
- Communication
- Conflict management
- Decision-making
- Stress management
- Career development
- Change
- Coaching
- Improved sales negotiation
Four Preference Scales – Sixteen Types
How you decide to answer each item on the MBTI assessment determines your reported MBTI Type. Since each of the preferences can be represented by a letter, a four-letter code is used as a shorthand for indicating type. When the four dichotomies are combined in all possible ways, sixteen different types result.

What type are you?
Contact the team at 4i Solutions for an accredited assessment administered and feedback by one of our qualified practitioners.
Author Greg Falvey Associate Director 4i Solutions
Source material MBTI Data Sheet OPP LTD